
Half the year is already over, but there is still quite a bit on my calendar. Johnson Creek Press starts up again in August, and our group show is scheduled for October.

Also in October, a return to Big Bend where two fellow artist and myself have been invited to paint on location at the beautiful Rio Bravo for 3 days!

Annual trip to Northern New Mexico mid August should be a nice break from the Texas summer. Looking to do some urban sketching this year as well as power shopping in my favorite city.

If you are a local, stop in to El Milagro 2012 in downtown FBG to see my limited Milagro series of assemblages and paintings. They will be up until they sell! Thanks to Rosa for letting me show these pieces there- it’s a perfect fit. And try to come on a Saturday afternoon to hear BAM & Fisher play the best live music in town. The food is great and the drinks are generous.

I’m already well into the work for the Pioneer Gift Market at the annual Pioneer Museum event in November ( 17th & 18 )

Jewelry, handmade cards, some very special and unique one of a kind gifts, photo prints and more! The theme is ‘woodland’ with deer and winter birds in abundance.


August Adventures


Italy Painting Trip