Big Bend Painting Trip 2023

Six days and 1,109 miles later, safely back home with another great experience on the road. These wild places can overwhelm - the vastness of Big Bend is breathtaking and daunting. This trip I concentrated on my sketchbooks and stayed open to the challenge. I loved traveling and painting with my new artist friends. Stories were shared, struggles discussed and new plans made. Staying open to sharing your art online resulted in an invitation for a short residency at Rio Bravo Ranch in Presidio, TX this fall! A truly beautiful place along the Rio Grande for yet another south Texas experience of travel and art.

It’s not always fun or easy. It was unseasonably hot! Mid nineties by noon most days. Some very windy places, biting insects and hikes in rocky places with painting rigs. There is wasted paint and failed work, but in between some success and plenty of learning.

Travel & art - I never tire of either, but together they are my kind of heaven.


Italy Painting Trip


The show is UP!